Become a Part of Level 7 Today

Here’s how you can join in our mission of revolutionizing plastic recycling

Recycle Your Plastic

Does your lab or business have excess plastic waste? We can recycle it!

In fact, we would be eager to take it off your plate and ensure it gets reprocessed into vibrant, new, usable products, or used for education purposes.

Fill out the form below, and we will get in contact with you about forming a local recycling partnership.

14 + 4 =

Volunteer With Level 7

Do you have an interest in plastic recycling, fabrication, or education? Level 7 is the group for you!

We are recruiting for a wide range of roles in the organization such as:

  • Plastics Processing
  • Product Design and Marketing
  • Machine Design and Fabrication
  • Education
  • External Outreach

Our current members comprise students at both the Undergraduate and Graduate levels, across 4 different faculties, and 10 fields of study from Engineering to History. We are looking to reshape the way plastic is recycled around the world, so if you’re as passionate about that as we are there is a role for you in the organization.

Tell us a bit about what you are interested in helping with, and we will get in contact with you about setting up an interview to discuss where you could best fit in.

8 + 11 =

Since 2019, Level 7 has recycled:

1102 pounds of HDPE plastic

The equivalent of:

50505 591 mL Water Bottles

Important note!

Throughout this website, the mass of recycled plastic in our products will often be referred to in the context of “water bottles”.

To be clear, this does not mean the product contains the indicated number of bottles precisely; rather, it suggests the mass equivalent of 591mL water bottles within each product.

 We recycle items including packaging, soap containers, old toys, and much more!

Here’s our plan to win the war on plastic waste:

In case you don’t believe us,

We take this…

And turn it in to this…

Which we use to make products like this:

Join us today in the war on plastic waste!